Magpie Gully PS No 415 was established in 1857 and re-named as Magpie PS No 2271 in 1892. The historic red brick building was completed in May 1880, and from 1986 classrooms were entirely comprised of relocatable buildings. The school has since been refurbished with new classrooms, new toilets and completion of the upgrade to the heritage administration building. Our school offers a many opportunities for the broader Magpie community to be served by a modern school that caters for the latest innovations in pedagogical approaches that foster independent student learning.

Magpie Primary School is pleased to be partnering with OSHClub from Term 1 2023 to provide an out of school hours care and vacation care to our families.
Stay tuned for more information!
The 5 Keys
Raise your hand to answer a difficult question
Having a go
Asking the teacher to explain something again if you don’t understand
Staying on task and not being distracted by others
Having a go at difficult work rather than skipping
Ask someone for help rather than giving up
Have everything ready before each lesson
Setting yourself goals
Get straight into your work so you can finish tasks on time
Getting along
Take turns and listen to others when working
Listen when someone else is talking
Sharing ideas with everyone else and respecting the ideas from others
Not getting upset when you make a mistake
Getting back on the job after you make a mistake
Stay calm when you don’t understand what the teacher is explaining